
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

   Welcome back!  So much has happened since I posted last!  First, thank you to all my supporters for your prayers, encouragement and generosity since the start of this journey!  I have been so incredibly blessed by you and I am so grateful!  There have been some major changes regarding my mission trip, so here I am to share an update with you! 

    Since the worldwide outbreak of COVID-19, Adventures in Missions (the organization I’m going with) has brought all their short-term missions teams back to the States and has cancelled all trips mobilizing this summer.  As a result, I am no longer going to the Philippines.  Though their decision was met with much disappointment and heartache, my team and I do not view this as a loss.  We know that God has a hand in this and are excited for what is ahead!  If the last 3 years of my life have taught me anything, it is that with every door God closes, every vision He brings death to, and every “loss” we experience, He uses for an even greater purpose so long as we surrender our own will and submit to His!  And while my heart aches from the reality that I will not get to serve the people of Manila with a team I have grown close to, I know that God is at work and He will be glorified!

    In place of going to the Philippines, I have decided to defer the funds I’ve raised so far to a 3-month trip to Thailand and Malaysia this fall!  

    For the first half of this trip, my team and I will I be stationed in Chiang Mia, Thailand, at AIM’s mission base.  Our ministry in Thailand is still not fully determined, but some of our time will be spent teaching English, building relationships with the local street children and ministering in the “red-light district” (known for lots of prostitution).  Thailand’s major religion is Buddhism and is a widely unreached country.  I am SO excited to serve in Chiang Mia and bring the hope of the Gospel to the people of Thailand!  

    During our remaining time overseas, we will be partnering with a church/ministry called PenHOP (Penhang House Of Prayer), located in Penhang, Malaysia.  Our focus here will be prayer, worship, teaching and refugee ministry.  This coastal nation is very diverse; a melting pot of Indians, Chinese, Malays and other indigenous communities.  Though Malaysia is technically a closed/restricted country, the people are hungry to hear the Gospel!

   I ask that you continue to join me in prayer as my new team and I prepare for this time overseas.  Again, I thank you for your love, prayers and support thus far, I have been so blessed!  Be sure to subscribe to this blog to be alerted as I share updates!



Proverbs 16:9

          “The heart of a man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.”

One response to “Changes”

  1. We are very proud of you and your desire to serve the Lord. We will keep you in our prayers and we plan to send some money a little later.